Sterling offers, encourages and facilitates training. We have a team of World Class trainers, instructors and coaches to help you develop and improve your shooting to get to that next level. From early beginners to seasoned pros, in 2024 we will be offering a wide range of opportunities for our members.
Contact us for personal on-to-one training or get involved in our group sessions.
RO Training
Our Club ROs are trained to the highest standards. We run our own extensive RO programme which includes 1:1 supervision, shadowing and ongoing feedback. All our ROs have either completed the UKPSA or NRA RO/RSO or RCO training courses.
Shotgun Safety Training
Coming for 2024!
LBP Safety Training
Coming for 2024!
Mini Rifle advanced training and master classes
Coming for 2024!
LBP advanced training and master classes
Coming for 2024!