This section is here to help you plan your 'shooting' calendar for the upcoming year.

See you on the range!!

18 Jan 2025
Sterling Sports Club
PRS NRL22 Competition

Held at our Sterling Sports Club Hampshire quarry range.
Shot with 'bolt-action' or 'semi' .22.
All courses of fire follow the NRL22 rules. 

We have included extra time for people to zero and test their rifles and DOPE and do what was described to us as a “kit-faff" from 0900-1100, followed by the PRS comp of 5-6 stages. Please note: Muffs must be worn if firearm is not moderated.

Results will be posted up on the GBPRA NRL22 National Leaderboard.

If you want to join us please register here

Non Sterling Club members entry fee - £40
Sterling Club members entry fee - £35

15 FEB 2025
Sterling Sports Club, PSG 'Warm-Up' Competition
(UKPSA Members)
Sterling Sports Club, PSG 'Warm-Up' Competition
(NRA Members) 

Practical Shotgun competition held at our Sterling Sports Club Hampshire quarry range.

If you want to join us please register here UKPSA
If you want to join us please register here NRA

Non Sterling Club members Competition entry fee - £43
Sterling Club members entry fee - £38

22 FEB 2025
Blue Rifle Pistol Club
UKPSA Long Gun Course

UKPSA Long gun course- Mini rifle and Pratical shotgun assessment.

All day interactive course with UKPSA instructor Ben Fabian. £130 pp. Successful completion will result in UKPSA safety certificate and competition licence.

Zoom pre learning session will take place week commencing 17/2/24. Probationers can book this course but must be signed off for .22 unsupported and Gallery (.38).

Please note that we cannot refund any cancellations within 7 days of the course date. We will aim to find a replacement for any earlier cancellations

Please register here